Copie de mon échange de mail avec Sylvain Carrier, de Distributor King dans l'ordre chronologique inversé (dernier mail en premier).
Désolé pour les non anglophiles, j'ai la flemme de traduire.
Désolé pour les anglophiles, mon anglais n'est pas top !
Pour faire court, Dk et Richporter sont les m?me boutiques (?) il n'existe pas de distributeur siglés DK (Cela vas ? l'encontre de ce que Twice m'a dit)...
Je vais faire quelques recherches avec les pages jaunes internationnal et
Je viens seulement de remarquer que vous ?tes en France, donc je peux m'adresser ? vous dans ma langue premi?re J
En fait pour vous dire la vérité, Richporter existe seulement depuis environ 4 ans et s´appelait avant Distributor King. L´usine n´a pas changé, la qualité des pi?ces non plus, seulement le nom sur la boîte (avant Richporter il n´y avait pas de nom sur la boîte). En fait Distributor est le côté ? online ? de Richporter Technology, ce sont des compagnies soeurs et nous vendons les m?me produits, seulement pour éviter les tracas avec les gros clients de Richporter, je vends sous l´ancien nom Distributor King. Il n´y a pas 2 marques, personne n´a jamais reçu un allumeur marqué Distributor King, donc aucun soucis, tous les commentaires que vous avez pu lire étaient laissés ? propos de la m?me pi?ce que vous avez reçu qui elle, vient de la m?me usine, celle de Richporter Technology.
J´esp?re que mon explication vous satisfait et au plaisir de faire affaire avec vous!
Bien ? vous,
Sylvain Carrier
Distributor King
Original Message
From: *********
Sent: February 13, 2007 3:49 PM
To: ***
Subject: Re: Checkout Complete
Hi Sylvain,
Thanks for your immediate reply, but I still need some explanation:
I can't understand is why a "DK official dealer" is selling "Richporter
Technology" products ?
Is there connection between these brands ? What kind ?
Does "DK" is aware that Richporter technology's product are sold using it
web sales network ?
Why didn't you tell me that I'll receive another product instead of DK ?
Don't be upset, but swindle is easy and current on ebay and makes customer wary.
Probe owner share experience about what and where to buy parts and I thought that buying to DK was a "no surprise purchase".
In fact, I'd like to understand your motivation to send me a RT instead of
DK, if it's really equal.
I'd probably agree with your arguments and feel confident if you've informed me before sending this product. Now I feel that I've been forced.
Thanks for having spent theses few minutes to read me, sorry for my English and hope I'll read from you soon.
Best regards
Original Message
From: ***>
To: "'>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: Checkout Complete
> Hi David,
> I understand your concern, but I can assure you that Richporter Technology
> products are great. Actually, I have always been selling this brand, so
> all
> the praise you hear about Distributor King were actually about the same
> Richporter products that you just received.
> Our factory is located in Taiwan, but all the internals are developed and
> made in Vancouver, Canada, so it is not a cheap asian copies like the ones
> I'm sure you saw out there. We wouldn't be able to cover them with our
> lifetime warranty if they were not great products.
> I hope to have answered your question correctly. Let me know if there's
> anything else I can help you with.
> Best Regards,
> Sylvain Carrier
> Distributor King
Original Message
> From: ********]
> Sent: February 12, 2007 1:48 PM
> To: ***
> Subject: Re: Checkout Complete
> Hello,
> Thanks for fast shipping: I've just received the ignition distributor, but
> I'm surprised that the brand isn't "Distributor king" but "Richporter
> technology".
> I can easily belive that this distributor will fit my car but i've order a
> distributor king because of the very positive feedback from members of
> Probe
> owner club about this brand, life time warranty, heat protected module and
> canadian manufactoring.
> I haven't already put this device on my car and don't feel very confident
> with this Taiwanese product... which is not what I've ordered.
> Waiting for a fast reply.
> Best regards
> David *******