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Re: voyant d airbag 20 Jui 2007 22:47 #59420

  • Anonymous
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  • Membre platinium
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donc koi faire?
ouvrir et reparer?
facile a faire?
changer le volant?

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 07:42 #59435

Tu démontes le volant et tu tires un peu sur le ressort pour qu'il fasse bien contact. Profites en pour mettre un coup de bombe contact sur les pistes de frottement.

Probe GT US 1993

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 13:41 #59500

  • Anonymous
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  • Membre platinium
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bon aujourdhui c'est le code 51 qui clignotte...
dans le langage des codes ça vaut dire que:
Diagnostic Monitor Internal Thermal Fuse - Fuse Blown Due to Intermittent Short to Ground

l'explication en anglais sur ce probleme:
NOTE: The air bag diagnostic monitor contains an internal thermal fuse that is not serviceable. The thermal fuse is controlled by a computer inside the air bag diagnostic monitor. The computer will blow the thermal fuse whenever a short on the deployment circuits occurs. The thermal fuse does not blow because of excessive current flowing through it. DO NOT attempt to jumper across the thermal fuse with a circuit breaker or any other type of fuse.
CAUTION: Do not install a new air bag diagnostic monitor until the short has been located and corrected. If a short to ground has not been located and corrected, then the short to ground is intermittent and is not present at this time. Installing a new air bag diagnostic monitor with an intermittent short in the system will result in repeated blown air bag diagnostic monitors and repeat repairs.
The air bag diagnostic monitor measures the voltages at the air bag diagnostic monitor connector pins. When certain air bag deployment wires are shorted to ground (heavy lines illustrated in the following schematic), the system may become susceptible to an unwanted deployment of the air bags. The air bag diagnostic monitor senses a short to ground on any of these circuits and helps prevent unwanted air bag deployment by blowing the air bag diagnostic monitor thermal fuse. Blowing this fuse removes all power (battery and backup power) from the air bag deployment circuits. While the short to ground exists, the air bag diagnostic monitor will flash a fault code 13. If the short to ground is intermittent and temporarily corrects itself, the air bag diagnostic monitor will flash a code 51.
NOTE: If the short to ground returns, the higher priority code 13 will flash instead of 51.
If the air bag warning indicator is flashing code 51 and a short to ground has not been serviced, this means that an intermittent short to ground exists in the air bag system. The air bag diagnostic monitor should be replaced only after repairs to the intermittent short have been completed.
Some service tips for finding an intermittent short to ground are:
   1. Consult OASIS (Restraint Systems Service Code 104000) for up-to-date diagnostics and descriptions of wiring concern locations for the vehicle (VIN) you are working on. OASIS is updated daily using concern descriptions from engineering and dealership service sources.
   2. Inspect wiring and harnesses in areas where they pass through or are located next to metal components (e.g., engine compartment bulkhead, body sheet metal, component mounting brakes, etc.).
Short to ground occurs on one or more of the circuits indicated by heavy lines in the electrical schematic.
The air bag diagnostic monitor recognizes the shorted wiring and flashes a fault code 13 and sends a signal to the internal thermal fuse, causing it to blow.
The air bag diagnostic monitor will continue to flash the code 13 while the short to ground is present. If the short to ground goes away, a fault code 51 appears.
The air bag diagnostic monitor only flashes a code 51 when the thermal fuse is blown and the short to ground is not present. Do not replace the air bag diagnostic monitor until the short to ground has been located and serviced. Consult Oasis for shorted wiring information.
Code 51 After Air Bag Deployment
NOTE: Air bag diagnostic monitors can withstand several air bag deployments and do not need to be replaced after every deployment. Only replace the air bag diagnostic monitor if it is damaged.
Occasionally, immediately after an air bag deploys, the internal wiring of the air bag may become shorted to the metal housings of the air bag. This internal air bag short is detected by the air bag diagnostic monitor as a short to ground in the air bag deployment wiring. Since the air bag diagnostic monitor is still operating immediately after most deployments, the air bag diagnostic monitor will detect the shorted wiring and will flash code 13 and blow the internal thermal fuse. After the deployment, as the air bag cools off, the internal shorted wiring may correct itself, therefore the short to ground will no longer exist and the air bag diagnostic monitor will flash code 51. If a vehicle with a deployed air bag is flashing code 51, inspect and replace all the damaged areas of the vehicle with crushed wiring , sensors, etc. If no damage is found, assume that the deployed air bag was the cause for the intermittent short and replace the air bag diagnostic monitor when the new air bag is installed.

Si ya un mecano qui comprends le langage technik que il m'aide un peut..merci

et si vous avez le schema de cablage des airbag ça serrait tres utile.. ;)

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 14:36 #59512

En gros ça dit que le boîtier d'airbag a repéré un fil qui se promenait ? la masse, et qu'il a fondu le fusible pour éviter que tu ne le prennes dans la g....

Probe GT US 1993

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 14:42 #59518

  • Anonymous
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  • Membre platinium
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ha oueee et ses ou cette masse? et ses ou le fusible???

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 14:50 #59528

Alors la masse c'est quelque part dans le circuit (bonne chance)
Le fusible, sauf erreur il est dans le boîtier.

Probe GT US 1993

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 15:00 #59533

  • Anonymous
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  • Membre platinium
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hmmmm... j'ai regarde les schemas des boites a fousibles et rien indique l'airbag!!
a l'aide..

Si non la derniere option... comment le desactiver?

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 15:30 #59535

Nan, le boîtier d'airbag lui m?me !
Ben l? il s'est auto-désactivé.

Probe GT US 1993

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Re: voyant d airbag 21 Jui 2007 15:56 #59539

  • Anonymous
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  • Membre platinium
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oui mais pour que ça clignote plus je doit enlever l'ampoule ou koi?:lol:
et tout ça arrive apres un RESET!!!
:!: :!: :!:

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Re: voyant d airbag 24 Jui 2007 12:20 #59865

  • jo
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  • Membre platinium
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bon, voila,

j ai démonté mon volant, il y avait 2 connectiques:

une orange pour le klason
une bleu pour l airbag je pense

j en ais trouvé une blanche, mais qui ne se branchais sur rien, elle étais fixer sur la partie du volant qui reste et pas sur le fronton.

le petit resort qui saute apparement, je l'ais pas trouvé, il est ou?
il faut démonter les cercle de l airbag sur le fronton?
si oui, j y crain, j ai peur de faire que de la merde et que sa ne marche plus ou que sa me saute ? la gueulle quand je roule.


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